Monday, March 15, 2010

So, I'm so ashamed that I haven't written in a long time. It has been a very interesting 5 months. I'm currently unemployed and supporting my pastor husband in the pastor wife duties. It has been a stressful, but rewarding challange. God has a funny way of teaching us the perfect lessons in His perfect timing. So much of the past few months, Josh and I have learned so much of the simple things in life.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Job!

Hey everyone,

So I started my new job on Thursday @ 1:00 pm. Its a little bit more laid back as far as the management than what I'm used to, I don't have a set time to go to lunch or break, if I'm late they won't chastise me. The only thing is that I'm really going to have to learn how to use my sales pitch a lot better.. definitely realized how hard it is for people to advertise on these different pages. I am very grateful of the people I am surrounded by and the kind of people I'm surrounded by. Its great being able to work with Christians who believe the same thing I do. I am very grateful for all of God's blessings on this job. Thanks for all your prayers! :-)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Its Just The Beginning....

So, I've never blogged before.. but I see how much fun other people have... thought I would try it. Just like everything else that's a fad... this too probably will wear on me. Nothing much to really report.. but let me tell you a little bit you may not already know about me... since I guess you'll be reading my exciting life... gotta start from the beginning I guess.

A. My name is Berkelee Wynn... formerly Berkelee Lovell. I just got married last December 20 to my best friend Joshua Wynn. He and I dated for 3 1/2 years and finally tied the knot. I love married life and Josh constantly teaches me each day about unconditional love and self sacrifice.

B. When talking about unconditional love and self sacrifice, I need to bring up my first and never ending love in my life... God. He truly teaches me about these two words and constantly teaches me to be the three words in my title: F A I T H, H O P E, AND L O V E!

C. I'm currently living in Madison, FL where Josh resides as senior pastor of Pine Grove Baptist Church. I have lived in Florida for the past 9 years, originally from and always will be a Texas girl!

D. I'm a very passive and unorganized person, marriage has definitely taught me to break out of my shell and shed that selfish, passive, and unorganized person that I once clinged to. I'm learning more and more what my decorative taste is and falling in love with cooking and decorating.. two favorite channels when I do watch TV is HGTV and Food Network. I'm also shy at first, but once you get to know me I'm crazy! Not as shy as I used to be, I've had to shed that personality trait as well since most of my jobs have required me to be just the opposite.

E. I love my friends, I would do anything for them. I definitely miss them, since distance has seperated all of us, but I truly cherish the few real friends that I do have!

F. I also have the best parents anybody could ask for! My mom also is a living and walking proof of what I want to be as a mother. She is selfless, caring, and a faithful woman of God. She is also living proof of what unconditional love REALLY is. I also have a wonderful father and great step-parents. Divorce has been a positive rather than a negative effect on my life, its provided me the best support system I could ask for!

Well, if I missed anything I'm sure I'll be sure to write it down later. Thanks for listening to my short bio.

So, I start my new job next Thursday. I'll be working for Greene Publishing Newspaper here in Madison, FL. I was formerly at Mediacom (cable, phone, and internet company) and making the 30-40 minute drive everyday. I'm so thankful that God has blessed me with a job just 15 minutes down the road at the very most. I'm a little nervous, everyone says its a difficult job. I'd be renewing the advertisments for the newpaper, something I did a little bit in high school of when I worked on the newspaper. Selling isn't really my forte, but like everything else that I've had to break out of my shell with, I believe that this is another opportunity for me to work hard and try my best at something new! Please be in prayer for me, as I'm walking into this job by faith alone with my eyes wide open! Until next time... May God richly bless all of you!